I'm a UK qualified doctor working part time in the NHS in Scotland as a speciality doctor in sexual and reproductive health and part time as a freelancer editing and writing health-related articles and papers, providing written and video content, and lecturing/educating in person.
My academic qualifications are BSc (hons) Anatomy and Neuroscience (2011) and Medical degree; MBChB (2017). I also have the diploma from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (DFSRH) and am studying toward the diploma from the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (DIPM).
I have extensive research experience from my degrees and postgraduate work, and I conduct literature reviews as part of my writing work on a weekly basis. My specialist interest is in sexual and reproductive health. I write at a high level and have experience in providing professionally written content for all audiences from school children to postgraduate consultant-level medical colleagues.